Forever in my heart

Created by aminetzel 11 years ago
As the youngest of my mother's children I guess you could say I was the "baby" as she referred to me as just that throughout my whole life.My mom was more than a mother to me she was my best friend and we shared everything with each other whether good or bad,happy or sad. There was not one topic we could not discuss sometimes a little "R" rated but mom always had the answer for whatever trials or tribulations seemed to be going on in my life at times. She was there for the birth of all my children, Leah,Dylan,Divonne and Arianna so they too became her own. Always an adventure in our family unit no matter where we were. When mom would go on a hiatus with my siblings, we could not help but to talk everyday if not every other day,we would miss each other so much and of course she would miss all her "babies". What a blessing for me and my children to have this wonderful woman,mother and grandmother in our lives. It will be hard to not pick up that phone and hear her voice or hollar down the hall to her that dinner is ready. I do know I will see her again where happiness is an occurence every day and no fretting for any. I will definitely live my life in her example and teaching.She is a big advocate of the "golden rule". See you later mom.